Quite regularly people visit our repository to use our book collections and other resources. While we don’t have every book on the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian people, that is our lofty goal. Since our books can be viewed onsite only (we are a non-circulating library), there are now a number of great resources out there to help people find the books they want and that are available, which is what I wanted to post about this week. I wanted to make everyone aware of WorldCat, a ‘world catalog’ or database of the world’s books. This international database can be used by anyone, and allows users to search a database of all books produced in the world (or at least listed by participating libraries, which means most all US & Canadian libraries, many European, Australia and New Zealand, etc.). It also provides search categories for music, movies, and other, which can be helpful. Once you find a book you want, WorldCat tells you where the nearest library is that holds the book. Users can also quickly create a username and create favorite lists of books they want to read (or movies to watch, etc.), and view lists others have created. WorldCat has largely become the premier library resource. It is also starting to link with Facebook, for any of those out there who are Facebook users, to stay connect with the rising technological/social generation. All in all, this new revolutionary ‘world’ catalog is really changing things for information seekers. I encourage everyone to spend a few minutes just exploring WorldCat and use it anytime you have information needs.